Welcome to Positive Psychology Coach. A specialist coaching practice dedicated to:

Supporting individuals & couples to flourish through Positive Psychology Coaching.

Positive Psychology Coaching is a scientifically rooted approach to building a meaningful & fulfilling life, cultivating what is best within ourselves & enhancing experiences of love, work and play.

Positive Psychology Coach, Melissa Barker, has a Masters Degree in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.

Specialising in the proactive cultivation of psychological wellbeing, Melissa works with individuals and couples to enrich the quality of their lives.

Through coaching psychology techniques, clients are supported to identify, foster and nurture their wellbeing in ways that are authentic, personally meaningful, sustainable and energising.


Positive psychology is the scientific study of the promotion of wellbeing. Complementing psychology’s predominant focus on treating mental ill-health, positive psychology focuses on the factors which build psychological health and which support a fulfilling, meaningful and flourishing life.

Positive Psychology Coaching is the application of this science, where clients are supported to enhance the quality of their life by moving towards greater states of wellbeing, whether this be psychological and emotional wellbeing, social and relational wellbeing, or career wellbeing.

Positive Psychology Coach guides & supports you to live a flourishing life.